Saturday, July 31, 2010

2010 Special Commission of the Hague Releases its Conclusions and Recommendations

The Special Commission on the practical operation of the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 (on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption) met June 17 - 25 at Carnegieplein, The Hague to "review the practical operation of the 1993 Convention and to achieve consensus on the main elements of a Guide to Good Practice on Accreditation and Adoption Accredited Bodies."*

The Conclusions and Recommendations of the Special Commission are now available online
at the Hague website:

Those interested in following adoptions from Nepal (and the controversy over Nepal's absence from the Special Commission due to the screening of Paper Orphans) may wish to read the Report of Meeting No. 2 held on June 18, 2010, which included the screening of the documentary. This document can be downloaded here:

Documentary Film: Paper Orphans

Before the film was screened, the Chair invited the Secretary to make some preliminary remarks. Ms Degeling (Secretary) noted that the film was about adoption in Nepal, and that Nepal had formally requested to remove the screening of the film from the agenda. However, the Permanent Bureau was of the view that the agenda should remain unchanged, and had already responded to Nepal accordingly. If Nepal had been present, it would have been given the opportunity to express its concerns to participants. In the interests of transparency, the Permanent Bureau would make copies of its exchange with Nepal available to participants.

An independent expert, Mr Aguettant, introduced the film, noting that it depicted practices that did not just exist in Nepal, but also in a large number of other States. Based on firsthand accounts, the film highlights the effects of malpractice in intercountry adoption on children, as well as on the biological and adoptive parents. Mr Aguettant considered that such malpractice could be eliminated by supporting biological parents and their communities, which have generally been ignored by policy makers.

In addition to the Conclusions and Recommendations, the final drafts of the following documents are also available to the public:

We commend the participants and presenters at the Special Commission for their hard work and dedication to bringing attention to the ethical and legal processes of adoption and to protecting children around the world. PEAR highly encourages adoptive and prospective adoptive parents to read the reports and educate themselves on the issues, realities, and myths surrounding intercountry adoption and the Hague.

*Draft Agenda, The Special Commission on the practical operation of the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

UPDATE to DOS Request for Contact Information

On Tuesday, July 20 PEAR published the following notice with permission of the DOS:
Ms. Ruth Lincoln of the DOS Office of Children's Issues has requested that all further contacts from adopting families be sent directly to her via the following email address:

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare -- Notice

Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare

Notice No 8

Date: 21 July, 2010

With regard to the notice published in 4 February, 2010, this is to inform all the concerned Embassies/Diplomatic Missions and Adoption Agencies that the Ministry has extended the time of submission of Inter Country Adoption application for the year 2010, up to September 15, 2010.

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~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

DOS Requests Contact Information for Prospective Adoptive Parents

The US Department of State held a conference call today on adoptions from Nepal. Present were adoption service providers (ASPs) with programs in Nepal and various adoption advocacy groups, including PEAR. DOS is attempting to do everything it can to secure the integrity of adoptions from Nepal and as one improvement is looking to gather the contact information of all prospective adoptive parents so that the DOS can directly contact them with updates, notices and other information concerning their adoptions. To that end, DOS has requested that ASPs provide the DOS with the following information:

Name(s) of Prospective Adoptive Parent(s)

Contact information (including e-mail address, telephone number and mailing address)

Name of Prospective Adoptive Child(ren) (if known)

PEAR highly encourages all prospective adoptive parents hoping to adopt from Nepal and all ASPs with Nepal programs to cooperate with the DOS in providing this information. Improved and open communication between all parties is crucial in making informed decisions. If you are a prospective adoptive parent in process of adopting from Nepal and your agency has not contacted you about this, you may send your information directly to the DOS Office of Children's Issues. The information should be sent to:

Ruth Lincoln
Adoption Division, Office of Children's Issues
Overseas Citizens Services
Bureau of Consular Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C.

Thelma McDonald
Intercountry Adoptions Unit Officer
NEA/SCA/Central Africa
Office of Children's Issues
U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C

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~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

'Paper Orphans' under government scanner (Republica)

'Paper Orphans' under government scanner


Om Astha Rai

Kathmandu, July 18: The government has brought a documentary, screened recently at an international conference on inter-country adoption systems, under its scanner.

Officials at the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare (MoWCSW) are investigating into the making of Paper Orphans, a documentary produced in Nepal by the Swiss foundation Terre des Hommes, on suspicion of the flouting of the country's regulations. Terre des Hommes is an international non-government organization working for 'children in distress'.

MoWCSW officials say they are doubtful if the producer of the documentary possesses necessary legal papers.

"We repeatedly asked the producer of the documentary to produce a letter of permission obtained from the Ministry of Information and Communication (MoIC), but to no avail," a MoWCSW official told "The producer showed all papers but the one most required to be obtained from MoIC."

A foreign national needs to obtain written permission from MoIC for producing a documentary here. However, Joseph Aguettant, the producer of Paper Orphans, has not obtained any such letter from the Audio and Visual Department of MoIC.

"Aguettant has not got permission from us," a MoIC official said, adding, "Making a documentary without our permission is an offense."

However, MoWCSW officials are considering the possibility that someone else might have obtained permission from MoIC on behalf of Aguettant.

"Our investigation so far has revealed that neither Terre des hommes nor Aguettant obtained any permission letter from MoIC," a MoWCSW official said. "However, the possibility of someone else having obtained permission for them is also there."

Nonetheless, MoWCSW has already published a notice in its official website, vowing to take action against the producer of Paper Orphans. When contacted, staff at the Jhamiskhel office of Terres des hommes declined to comment on the government's allegations.

"We know what the government is up to, regarding our documentary, but we cannot make any comment at this stage," a high-level staffer at Terres des Homes, who is unwilling to be named, said. "We will speak at an appropriate time."

As Aguettant, who is also country representative of Terres des Hommes, was out of Nepal on a month long vacation, failed to contact him. His documentary exposes glaring malpractices prevalent in Nepal's inter-country adoption system.

However, MoWCSW has its own reservations over the documentary. It has claimed that the documentary is centered on an old news report and has the motive of tarnishing Nepal's image abroad.

"The documentary deals with a case that took place before the government introduced a new inter-country adoption policy," said a MoWCSW official. "Post implementation of the new policy, stronger regulations are in place. But the documentary shows glaring loopholes in our system, most of which were prevalent only before the new policy came into existence."

The screening of Paper Orphans was one of the reasons why the government skipped a recently held international conference on inter-country adoption.

Published on 2010-07-18

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~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Adoption can be stopped: Minister (Himalayan Times)

Adoption can be stopped: Minister

Last Updated : 2010-07-16

Himalayan News Service

KATHMANDU: Minister for Women, Children and Social Welfare Sarbadev Prasad Ojha today said Nepal was not eager to send Nepali children for inter-country adoption if foreign countries were not interested to adopt them.

Stating that the government was in no mood to listen to the complaints from adopters, Minister Ojha said they should be convinced before they adopted any child from Nepal.

Addressing a programme organised to discuss problems regarding inter-country adoption by Children Homes Federation Nepal, Ojha accused the inter-country adoption of late was being developed as a business with wide and strong network.

He urged parents to be responsible and aware about their children’s situation. Nepal is in favour of child right convention that the country has signed, he added.

“We had urged the Ministry of Finance to allocate budget for the protection of children,” said Minister Ojha, adding, “but there has been no proper feedback from the ministry.” The minister came down heavily on I/NGOs saying they were minting money in the name of social service. As many as 276 orphanages are in operating in Kathmandu alone, he said.

European countries, particularly Italy, France, Spain and the US, are the major recipients of adopted children from Nepal. Recently, Canada and Germany suspended adoption from Nepal alleging that fake documents were being prepared for inter-country adoption.

Shiva Paudel, child rights advocate, said country’s legal system should be made strong enough to address difficulties experienced in the implementation of the Hague Convention. Nepal signed the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Inter-Country Adoption on April 28, 2009 and is in the process of ratifying it.

Recently, the ministry formed a panel to recommend the government to address the Hague Convention. Paudel urged the government to develop a strong mechanism for monitoring adoption and asked envoys to pay attention towards the status of children adopted in their respective countries.

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~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Spain, Italy Suspend Adoption From Nepal (Republica)

Spain, Italy Suspend Adoption From Nepal


KATHMANDU, July 14: Spain and Italy have suspended inter-country adoption from Nepal, joining other countries which have taken similar steps accusing Nepal´s adoption system of being non-transparent and unaccountable.

According to a member of the adoption group -- a loose forum of western countries to discuss adoption related issues -- Spain and Italy are the latest in the league that has decided to not adopt children from Nepal.

Nepal´s adoption system has been questioned by the western countries following publication of a report by The Hague Conference on Private International Law, an intergovernmental organization in February this year.

The report based on an investigation by a group of lawyers accused Nepal´s adoption system of widespread abuse. It also called for suspension of adoption from Nepal until the system is reformed.

Following the publication of the Hague report in February, eight western countries have suspended adoption officially and unofficially from Nepal. They include Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Nepal-based embassies of the EU countries and the United States have already asked Nepal government to ensure transparency in adoption system and keep child rights protection mechanism in place.

In addition, the United States in March had issues an alert notice to prospective adoptive US parents, expressing concern over Nepal´s adoption system and the accuracy of the information in children´s official files.

Secretary at the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare Mahendra Shrestha said that the ministry is will talk to the US embassy officials in this regard.

Meanwhile, The Hague Conference has once again questioned transparency and accountability of Nepal´s adoption system even as Nepali mission in Brussels last month had claimed that there have been reforms in the adoption system following the enforcement of a 2008 regulation.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

NiƱos sin Fronteras -- India & Nepal

Periodismohumano (Spain):“yo-queria-que-estudiaran-no-darlas-en-adopcion”.html

“Yo querĆ­a que estudiaran, no darlas en adopciĆ³n”

Las niƱas fueron declaradas en situaciĆ³n de abandono y poco despuĆ©s enviadas a EspaƱa

En 2008, la Comunidad de Madrid le retirĆ³ a NiƱos sin Fronteras la licencia para tramitar adopciones con Nepal

La policĆ­a india investiga al jefe de Preet Mandir y a las autoridades locales por varios delitos, entre ellos el secuestro de menores

14.06.2010 · Luna BolĆ­var

Kisabai Lokhande tiene mĆ”s de 60 aƱos y ha perdido a dos de sus nietas, seguramente para siempre. En Karad, una ciudad de medio millĆ³n de habitantes situada en el oeste de la India, vende verduras en un puesto callejero.

La madre las niƱas desapareciĆ³ en el aƱo 2000; su padre muriĆ³ en 2002 y Lokhande asumiĆ³ entonces el cuidado de las pequeƱas. Ante la imposibilidad de costear su educaciĆ³n, en julio de 2004 decidiĆ³ enviarlas a un centro de acogida ubicado en Satara, a unos 55 kilĆ³metros de distancia. Seis dĆ­as mĆ”s tarde, las autoridades indias trasladaron a las menores a la instituciĆ³n privada Preet Mandir, dedicada principalmente a las adopciones internacionales. En septiembre de 2004, apareciĆ³ un anuncio en un periĆ³dico local encomendando a hacer acto de presencia a quien deseara responsabilizarse de las pequeƱas, y eso a pesar de que los funcionarios conocĆ­an el lugar de residencia de Lokhande, disponĆ­an de todos sus datos y sabĆ­an que es analfabeta. En diciembre, las niƱas fueron declaradas en situaciĆ³n de abandono. Poco despuĆ©s, y sin que mediase una sola firma de su abuela, tenĆ­an familia nueva: en EspaƱa.

AsĆ­ se relatan los hechos en la denuncia que por secuestro de menores ha interpuesto Lokhande, con la ayuda de algunas ONG, contra las autoridades indias, Preet Mandir y la agencia de adopciĆ³n espaƱola NiƱos sin Fronteras. La batalla de esta mujer se ha convertido en un verdadero fenĆ³meno en el paĆ­s y, sin embargo, sus posibilidades de Ć©xito son escasas.

“Claro que en los juicios o ante la prensa Kisabai pide que las niƱas vuelvan: es lo que tiene que decir. Pero, cuando hablas con ella en privado, es consciente de que no eso no va a pasar. La ONG que la apoya le ha explicado que ningĆŗn tribunal va a asumir la responsabilidad de sacar a esas menores de EspaƱa, donde llevan ya cinco aƱos, y devolverlas a la pobreza en la que vive su abuela”, dice Roelie Post, directora de la organizaciĆ³n Against Child Trafficking (ATC). “Si las niƱas regresasen, ¿quĆ© harĆ­a usted?”, le preguntĆ³ el juez a Lokhande. “¿Que quĆ© harĆ­a?”, respondiĆ³ la abuela, “yo las mandĆ© lejos para que estudiaran. Ahora irĆ­an sĆ³lo a una escuela normal, y las tendrĆ­a siempre bien a la vista”.

Lokhande se siente culpable. Las pequeƱas estaban a su cargo. Cuando la madre de las menores reapareciĆ³, Ć©stas ya habĆ­an sido dadas en adopciĆ³n. Un Ćŗltimo encuentro con sus hijas le fue denegado, y muriĆ³ hace unos meses. “Si no puede ser de otro modo, ¡dĆ©jenme por lo menos que las vea en fotos!”, pidiĆ³ Lokhande. “EstĆ” desesperada y mal de salud, todo esto le ha afectado enormemente. En Ćŗltima instancia, se conforma con saber que las niƱas se encuentran bien. Se preocupa muchĆ­simo, como lo harĆ­a cualquier abuela”, relata Post.

Un dĆ­a, la directora de ACT cogiĆ³ el telĆ©fono y llamĆ³ al padre adoptivo de las nietas de Lokhande. “Al principio, se quedĆ³ muy sorprendido y me preguntĆ³ que cĆ³mo habĆ­a sabido de ellos. Yo le dije, ‘¡Ć©chele un vistazo a la prensa india! El caso de sus hijas adoptivas estĆ” por todas partes’. Entonces, le expuse el motivo de mi llamada, le hablĆ© de Kisabai, y me quedĆ© atĆ³nita ante la respuesta tan frĆ­a que recibĆ­. Me dijo que las niƱas estaban bien, que no habĆ­a razones para preocuparse, que eran una familia feliz y que no querĆ­an saber nada de ninguna abuela”.

Los padres adoptivos se esfuerzan por establecer con sus hijos vĆ­nculos similares a los que se darĆ­an en una paternidad biolĆ³gica. “Cualquier cosa que pueda poner en peligro esa relaciĆ³n les da un miedo terrible. Por eso, muchos deciden irse al extranjero: porque, a travĆ©s de la distancia, creen que reducen las posibilidades de que un dĆ­a alguien- un padre, una madre, un tĆ­o- llame a la puerta preguntando por sus pequeƱos”, explica Post, “sin embargo, estas niƱas salieron de la India con seis y once aƱos. Ambas conservan recuerdos de su vida anterior a EspaƱa: se acuerdan de su padre, de su madre y tambiĆ©n de su abuela.”

“A su madre ya no podrĆ”n volver a verla, y seguramente tampoco Kisabai viva muchos aƱos mĆ”s”, advierte la experta, “y un dĆ­a, las niƱas se preguntarĆ”n por sus raĆ­ces- casi todos los hijos adoptivos se preguntan en algĆŗn momento por sus raĆ­ces-, pondrĆ”n su nombre indio en Goolge, o el de Kisabai Lokhande, y descubrirĆ”n que sus padres adoptivos se negaron a que mantuvieran el contacto con ellas. QuizĆ”s entonces tambiĆ©n para su abuela sea ya demasiado tarde. ¿Se imagina lo que es eso?”.

Dice el Convenio de la Haya para la ProtecciĆ³n de la Infancia en el Ɓmbito de las Adopciones Internacionales [PDF], que han ratificado la India y tambiĆ©n EspaƱa, que ningĆŗn niƱo puede ser dado en adopciĆ³n sin que “las personas, instituciones y autoridades cuyo consentimiento se requiera [] hayan sido convenientemente asesoradas y debidamente informadas de las consecuencias de dicho consentimiento”, haber sido Ć©ste otorgado “libremente” y no “revocado”.

Lokhande nunca fue asesorada ni otorgĆ³ consentimiento alguno. Tampoco era necesario,resolviĆ³ en noviembre de 2009 la Corte Superior de Mumbai: al haber concluido en su dĆ­a autoridades indias que la mujer no estaba en condiciones de ocuparse de sus nietas, dejĆ³ de encontrarse entre las personas cuyo sĆ­ se requerĆ­a.

Varias veces visitĆ³ Lokhande a las niƱas en Preet Mandir sin que nadie le advirtiera, segĆŗn sostiene, de que estaban allĆ­ esperando a la adopciĆ³n. “Mi nieta mayor me dijo que no me preocupara porque en Preet Mandir las trataban bien. La gente de Preet Mandir me dijo que no me preocupara por mis nietas y que no fuera a verlas porque yo era pobre y eso era despilfarrar el dinero en viajes”, narrĆ³ la abuela a la cadena CNN-IBN. Si pasados 30 dĆ­as desde la publicaciĆ³n del citado anuncio en la prensa local nadie se responsabilizaba de las menores, Ć©stas podĆ­an darse por abandonadas y aptas para su entrega a una familia forĆ”nea.

Preet Mandir lleva tiempo esquivando todo tipo de acusaciones. En 2006, la CNN habĆ­a emitido otro reportaje, dedicado a la compraventa de menores en la India, en el que una mujer irlandesa contaba como el director de esta organizaciĆ³n, J. S. Bhasin, le habĆ­a ofrecido elegir el sexo, el color de piel y de ojos y la edad del niƱo que deseaba adoptar a cambio dinero y una botella de Black Label. “SĆ³lo de Preet Mandir obtenemos al menos 20 bebĆ©s por aƱo”, aseguraba mientras tanto a los reporteros encubiertos un espaƱol llamado Xavier.

A NiƱos sin Fronteras la Comunidad de Madrid le retirĆ³ en 2008 la licencia para tramitar adopciones con Nepal [PDF], tras repetidas denuncias de irregularidades. El permiso para trabajar con la India lo sigue conservando.

Y con todo, las cosas pueden estar cambiando y quizĆ”s algo de viento sople ahora a favor de Lokhande. Hace apenas unos dĆ­as, a finales de mayo de 2010, la Oficina Central de InvestigaciĆ³n de la India decidiĆ³ abrir oficialmente un caso en contra del jefe de Preet Mandir,las autoridades locales de protecciĆ³n de la infancia y otras personas mĆ”s, aĆŗn en el anonimato. La sospecha que sobre ellos pesa: haber engaƱado a padres que creĆ­an estar dejando a sus hijos en buenas manos con el objetivo de destinar a esos menores a la adopciĆ³n internacional. O, describiĆ©ndolo con palabras tĆ©cnicas: conspiraciĆ³n criminal con secuestro, extorsiĆ³n, malversaciĆ³n, estafa, falsificaciĆ³n de documentos, uso de documentos falsificados y abuso de poder por parte de funcionarios pĆŗblicos.

Convenio vs. ConvenciĆ³n

Entre el Convenio de la Haya y la ConvenciĆ³n de Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos del NiƱo existen algunas diferencias de planteamiento. El segundo documento se basa en el principio de que la adopciĆ³n internacional debe ser la Ćŗltima de las opciones: prioridad obtiene la permanencia del menor en su paĆ­s de origen, siempre que Ć©sta sea posible, lo que incluye agotar alternativas como las familias temporales o las casas de acogida.

Tras el Convenio subyace, por el contrario, la idea de que la marcha al extranjero no ha de ser el primero de los destinos para un niƱo en desamparo, pero tampoco el Ćŗltimo: el cuidado transitorio, ya sea en instituciones pĆŗblicas o privadas o en casas particulares, ocupa el lugar mĆ”s postrero. AsĆ­, algunos de los paĆ­ses que han ratificado este texto y aceptan el envĆ­o de sus menores a terceros paĆ­ses- entre los que no se encuentra ningĆŗn Estado de Europa occidental- establecen plazos (de por ejemplo, seis meses), tras los cuales un menor puede ser entregado a la adopciĆ³n si sus parientes no lo visitan en el centro u hogar ajeno en el que se encuentre.

Un recurso de engaƱo con frecuencia utilizado, denuncian las ONG, consiste en no advertir a los padres biolĆ³gicos de la existencia de dichos plazos, cumplidos los cuales pueden perder todos los derechos sobre sus hijos.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

States gathered in The Hague admit the existence of child trafficking in the context of adoption

2 July 2010

Adoption: States gathered in The Hague admit the existence of child trafficking in the context of adoption

Published by Darcissac, Marion

After nine days of heated and intense discussions, the Hague Special Commission, a kind of general assembly of Member States to The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, was concluded. The discussions and the resulting conclusions will certainly have an important impact on the protection of children deprived of family care and will hopefully improve adoption practices in future. For the first time in the history of the Convention, States have accepted the existence of child abduction, trade and trafficking in the framework of intercountry adoption and openly debated on this issue – a historic opportunity created by the Permanent Bureau and those states that are at the forefront of ethical adoptions, such as Germany, Australia, Belgium, or Canada. Even though these States are not numerous, they are leading the pack both in terms of public positions and in practice.

In the discussions in the Hague, Terre des hommes defended the rights of children and their parents with a number of public statements:

1. The number of actors, or, more specifically, accredited adoption agencies, have to be LIMITED according to the number of children available for adoption and to their status in each country of origin. The authorization of many agencies leads to unhealthy competition between actors and puts pressure on the countries of origin to "provide more children". Therefore Tdh appeals for a joint responsibility of States. This would allow for the Receiving States to give authorization to accredited agencies to work in a given country only, while at the same time making it possible for the countries of origin to limit the number of adoption facilitating agencies. It has to be mentioned that the USA do not apply such an approval procedure and therefore do not limit the number of actors per country. This leads to an excessive demand of children and opens the door to all kinds of trafficking.

2. One key principle in intercountry adoption is that no improper financial or other gain should be made. This principle must be protected and no exceptions should be allowed. It is unfortunate that lawyers in the United States are allowed to make profit in intercountry adoption. Instead, only accredited bodies should be authorised. If lawyers continue to be approved for intercountry adoption they should be encouraged to enter such cases under their "pro-bono" quota. That way they would only charge the absolute necessary and would not make any profit.

3. From our point of view there is an insidious, somewhat sinister tendency to consider international adoption as the only option when domestic adoption is impossible. This goes against the principle of subsidiarity enshrined in Convention on the Rights of the Child and The Hague Convention, which requires looking at all domestic alternatives such as kinship (placement of children in their extended family), foster families or another appropriate manners of care before intercountry adoption is considered. Certain actors simply ignore or deny these alternatives in order to increase the number of children available for intercountry adoption. Tdh is opposed to such practices that respond solely to the needs of profit-making international adoption organizations and to a growing demand from the adoption "market". We think that there are excellent options in the countries besides domestic adoption and that national placement practices and community ownership should be strengthened.

Following an initiative of the Australian authorities, the Hague Special Commission has decided to create a working group to define high-level principles relating to the abduction, sale and trafficking of children in the context of intercountry adoption. Terre des hommes has already been invited to be part of that group. Let us hope that this additional tool will help us in defending the best interests of children in adoption.

After nine days of daily sessions, Marlene Hofstetter, expert on adoptions at Tdh, feels relieved. The position of Terre des hommes is becoming widely known and is strongly supported by above-mentioned countries. At the same time, Marlene is aware of the challenges that lie ahead and talks about our responsibilities: "Our priority for intercountry adoption is to ensure that the children's rights and their dignity are protected at all costs. After all, the children don't ask for anything – it's the adults who decide in this context, and therefore it's up to them to act responsibly".

The Hague Special Commission opened with the TDH/UNICEF Nepal documentary Paper Orphans:

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~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Italy halts new adoptions from Nepal

Italy halts the starting of any new adoptions from Nepal:

Amici dei Bambini

Data: 25-06-10

Nepal, contrordine da L'Aja: stop al deposito di nuovi fascicoli per le adozioni

dietrofront inaspettato per le adozioni internazionali in Nepal dettato dallo stop temporaneo al deposito di nuovi fascicoli delle aspiranti famiglia adottive. E' quanto stabilito oggi in Olanda, dove sono riunite a L'Aja tutte le Autorita Centrali dei Paesi di accoglienza di minori nepalesi (Belgio, Canada, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Inghilterra; Italia, Spagna, Svezia, Stati Uniti) coordinate dal Bureau della Conferenza dell'Aja.

A margine degli incontri della Commissione Speciale che si e incontrata al Palais de la Paix dal 17 al 25 giugno, e stata organizzata una riunione durante la quale i rappresentanti delle Autorita centrali hanno espresso la loro
preoccupazione rispetto alle possibilita di collaborare con le autorita nepalesi per assicurare lo svolgimento di procedure adottive conformi alla Convenzione de L'Aja. Da qui la decisione della Commissione Speciale di arrivare alla sospensione dei depositi di nuovi fascicoli, concludendo comunque le procedure del 2009 pendenti.

Proprio in questi giorni gli Enti autorizzati stavano facendo una corsa contro il tempo per rispettare il termine stabilito dalle autorita nepalesi per la consegna dei documenti delle aspiranti famiglia adottive nepalesi (15 luglio 2010).

"Apprendiamo con rammarico la notizia che ci arriva oggi dalla Conferenza dell'Aja rispetto alla decisione di bloccare il deposito di nuovi fascicoli. Siamo convinti infatti che in un Paese come il Nepal, in cui la situazione dell'infanzia abbandonata e allarmante, si dovrebbe lavorare al fianco delle autorita locali per sostenerle nella promozione di strumenti volti a garantire il diritto alla famiglia dei tanti minori abbandonati. Auspichiamo quindi che le Autorita centrali dei Paesi di accoglienza dei bambini nepalesi possano
intervenire non solo per esortare la sospensione del deposito di nuovi dossier, ma anche per mettere a disposizione le proprie competenze per sostenere cosi le autorita nepalesi a svolgere le procedure adottive nel pieno rispetto della Convenzione dell'Aja." ha detto Marco Griffini, presidente di Ai.Bi.

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Spain halts new adoptions from Nepal

Spain halts the starting of any new adoptions from Nepal:

El Ministerio de Sanidad y PolĆ­tica Social ha trasladado a esta DirecciĆ³n General de ProtecciĆ³n del Menor y la Familia la informaciĆ³n tratada en la reuniĆ³n de la ComisiĆ³n InterautonĆ³mica de Directores Generales de Infancia, celebrada el dĆ­a 20 de mayo de 2010, en Madrid. En relaciĆ³n a la tramitaciĆ³n de los procedimientos de adopciĆ³n internacional dirigidos a Nepal, la referida ComisiĆ³n ha acordado, suspender temporalmente la admisiĆ³n de nuevas solicitudes de adopciĆ³n internacional dirigidas a Nepal y suspender cautelarmente el envĆ­o de nuevos expedientes, tanto por ECAI como por las Entidades PĆŗblicas.

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Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

MEDIA: Inter-country adoption laws to be amended

Inter-country adoption laws to be amended

Last Updated : 2010-07-06

Himalayan News Service

KATHMANDU: The Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare (MoWCSW) is working to simplify provisions for inter-country adoption and to make Nepali missions abroad more responsible in terms of monitoring adoption cases in their respective countries.

The ministry decided to simplify legal provisions after Canada, following Germany, banned the adoption of Nepali children a month ago.

The Canadian Immigration Ministry had pointed to a report of the Hague Conference on Private International Law that described "strong evidence" of prevalence of fraudulent documents and false statements about children’s origins, age and status, as well as questions of whether adoptees or potential adoptees were abandoned. Ram Prasad Bhattarai, under secretary at the ministry said cooperation was being sought from other ministries and Nepali missions abroad to regulate and monitor adoption cases.

Bhattarai added that the ministry would ensure accountability with regard to the process of adoption. He added that work was on to waive the age limit clause. "Due to budget crunch, we are unable to conduct regular monitoring" said Bhattarai, adding that the ministry would ask Nepali embassies to show serious concern in this regard. Minister for Women, Children and Social Welfare had recently said a significant number of listed orphanages were using inter-country adoption as a means to generate income.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hague against orphans: Government (Rajdhani National Daily)

Hague against orphans: Government

By Tika Bista

Rajdhani National Daily

Kathmandu, Ashar 15 (30 Jun10)

Translated from Nepali

The Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare (MWCSW) has accused the Hague Secretariat of working against Nepali orphans.

The Ministry has asked the Hague Secretariat to work as per its official stance and respect Nepal's rules and regulations and to not work for the interest of any particular person. The MWCSW is preparing to send a warning letter to the Hague, accusing it of preparing a series of false reports about Nepal's orphans, an MWCSW official said.

According to the official, the MWCSW will include in its letter its official stance along with an attachment of the copies of unfavorable reports prepared by the Hague Secretariat on Nepal.

In the meantime, the MWCSW also issued a notice, Monday, expressing strong concerns about the Special Commission's meeting in the Netherlands on June 10 to 25 and to draw the Government of Nepal (GoN)'s attention on it.

The Hague Secretariat didn't include Nepal in its conference that was held in the Netherlands this week. Under-secretary of the law section at the MWCSW, Sher Jung Karki, told Rajdhani, "Even though the Hague sent us an invitation, since it didn't send us a confirmation letter, Nepal could not attend [the conference]."

According to him, the Ministry was ignored by addressing the letter to a specific person. "The Hague didn't send us a confirmation letter as the Ministry did not recommend the same person as recommended by the Hague -- Mr. Ratnakaji Bajracharya," Karki said.

"As per regulations, the Hague should have addressed the letter to the Ministry, but by ignoring regulations and addressing the letter to a specific person has aroused suspicions," Karki said.

Every year the Hague Secretariat reviews countries on whether or not they are implementing the Convention or not. This is done in the presence of representatives from respective countries. However, the absence of Nepal's participation has put the conference's legitimacy in doubt, according to an official at the MWCSW.

"Other countries have also expressed strong concerns about Nepal's absence. The Hague must send us an immediate answer," the official said.

Instead of providing "technical" support to the GoN for the implementation of the 1993 Convention on Inter-country Adoption, the Hague is working against it, the MWCSW claims. The MWCSW also said that the Secretariat worked against Nepal by discussing about the country despite its absence in the conference, and by allowing an organization to screen their documentary that was produced without the government's permission as well as by allowing them to present their working paper.

In a notice issued by the MWCSW, the documentary on orphans and the working paper were presented without the Nepal Government's permission. The working paper was prepared by Joseph Aguettant of the Foundation [Terre des Hommes].

The MWCSW criticized the working paper of including issues from 15 years back that does not depict the current situation, and of being one-sided.

You should first get permission from the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) before making any kind of documentary related to Nepal. However, the documentary that was screened was the one made by Terre des Hommes, an INGO, which showed the condition of children in 2052 B.S. (1995 A.D.). Claiming that the documentary is illegal, the MWCSW has sent a letter to the MIC requesting an investigation on it.

Earlier, the Hague Secretariat had sent letters to different embassies in Nepal informing them that it had received several complaints about children adopted from Nepal and had asked them to stop the inter-country adoption process. After the government expressed strong concerns regarding this, it had apologized.

Translation by a foreign embassy, Kathmandu

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