Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nepal -- a few simple reforms

Nepal -- a few simple reforms

A few simple reforms would go a long way to cleaning up Nepal's adoption corruption:

1 -- Ban abandonment paperwork.

2 -- Enact a modern relinquishment law with a mandatory DNA test.

3 -- Implement the Hague Convention.

4 -- Close the worst children's homes. In particular, the homes blacklisted by the French Foreign Service:


5 -- Remove the Child NGO Federation Nepal (CNFN) from the Investigation, Recommendation & Supervision Board.

With these changes, Nepal would have a reasonable chance for an ethical adoption system.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Canadian bureaucrats strand B.C. parents in Nepal with adopted daughter

Dr. Salima Shariff, a Surrey cardiologist, feeds the baby that she and her husband, Aziz Nurmohamed, went to Nepal to adopt.

Photo -- Dr. Salima Shariff, a Surrey cardiologist, feeds the baby that she and her husband, Aziz Nurmohamed, went to Nepal to adopt.

A Surrey, B.C., cardiologist is stranded in Nepal with her newly adopted child while she waits anxiously for Canada to issue documents so she can bring her daughter home and return to her busy practice.

Dr. Salima Shariff appealed to Immigration Minister Jason Kenney for help this week, saying she is in a critically difficult situation, torn between her responsibilities as a new mother and a physician whose services are in great demand.

“I have a duty and obvious attachment as a new mother to my 14-month-old dependent adopted infant in Nepal and professional duties and responsibilities to my patients and colleagues as a cardiologist in Canada,” wrote Shariff, who has been in Nepal for the past two months.

"I am pleading with you to look into my case with compassion and understanding."

Shariff and her husband, Aziz Nurmohamed, left Canada on Sept. 17 after receiving word from a Victoria-based adoption agency that was guiding them through the process that the paperwork was all but complete and they should prepare to claim their new toddler.

Canada was in the final stages of issuing a permanent residency visa, Shariff was told. But shortly after she and her husband took custody of their little girl on Oct. 5 as legal parents, they got the bad news: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) had not yet recognized the Nepali adoption process.

They were stunned, as was the adoption agency that had helped them and Shariff’s colleagues at Surrey Memorial Hospital.

“She did everything by the book,” Dr. Sally Barrio said in an interview Thursday. “She followed the rules to the T, but she’s been caught in this bureaucratic thing.”

The most difficult part is that no one has told her what needs to be done to clear the way for their return to Canada, or how long it will take, Shariff says in the four-page letter.

Cheryl Fix, executive director for Choices Adoption and Counselling, said the adoption process was progressing smoothly for Shariff until this month. She said she doesn’t understand the delay in Canadian approval, especially given that the United States gave a green light to Nepali adoptions this fall.

“I would assume that the U.S. has equal due diligence. . . . If they’re satisfied, I’m a bit perplexed why we aren’t.”

Political instability has made Nepali adoptions high-risk, Fix acknowledged, and all adoptions were halted for some time because of concerns about child trafficking. But they reopened at the start of the year and Fix’s agency was one of two in Canada that were accredited.

The Vancouver Sun requested an interview with Kenney but was referred to the CIC office in Vancouver.

Shariff was profiled in a local newspaper a few years ago, which noted that she chose to work in Surrey after graduating with a cardiology fellowship at the University of B.C., despite being courted by the prestigious Mayo Clinic.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Nepali adoptions -- the French warnings

Nepali adoptions -- the French warnings.

In recent years, the French Foreign Service has posted warnings about four adoption homes --
Nepal Children Welfare Service Center (NCWSC), Swastik Women and Children Protection Organization (SWCPO), Nepal Children's Organization (NCO -- also known as Bal Mandir or Balmandir), and the Children Welfare Home (CWH).

This sort of public blacklisting of children's homes is quite unusual.

The warnings date from 2004 to 2007. The same individuals are still in charge of the homes.

Adopting families should use the utmost caution in using any agency that supports these organizations or works with present or former employees of these homes.

The French warnings:

2007 --
Nepal Children Welfare Service Center (NCWSC -- also known as Nepal Children Welfare Service Centre):


2006 --
Swastik Women and Children Protection Organization (SWCPO) & Nepal Children's Organization (NCO -- also known as Bal Mandir or Balmandir):


2004 --
The Children Welfare Home (CWH -- also known as Children's Welfare Home):


Google Language Tools:


The Children Welfare Home is run by two of the most controversial figures in Nepali adoptions.

Jaya Ram Tamata:


And his wife --
Maya Sunar Tamata:


While the Nepal Children Welfare Service Center (NCWSC) is run by the equally controversial
Anil Kiran B.K. (Anil Kiran Biswokarma):



NCO/Bal Mandir:




The Children Welfare Home:



NCWSC -- 29 March 2007

L’attention des familles en procédure individuelle d’adoption en cours au Népal est appelée sur la décision du Ministère népalais des Femmes, de l’Enfance et de la Condition Sociale, de suspendre l’instruction des dossiers de demande d’adoption déposés auprès de l’orphelinat « Nepal Children Welfare Service Center ».

Cette décision des autorités népalaises fait suite à la mise en évidence d’irrégularités majeures dans le traitement des dossiers d’adoption par cet établissement qui fait actuellement l’objet de poursuites judiciaires.

En conséquence, il est formellement déconseillé aux familles ayant une procédure d’adoption en cours auprès de l’orphelinat « Nepal Children Welfare Service Center » d’effectuer un déplacement au Népal.

La Mission de l’Adoption Internationale tiendra les familles adoptantes informées de l’évolution de la situation.

Swastik & Nepal Children's Organization -- 2 August 2006

En raison d’une succession de dossiers d’adoption problématiques, et après divers témoignages négatifs de familles adoptantes, il est formellement déconseillé aux familles candidates à une adoption au Népal d’effectuer des démarches auprès des orphelinats « Swastik » et « Nepal Children’s Organization », également dénommé « Bal Mandir ».

Les témoignages recueillis par l’Ambassade de France à Kathmandou font en effet état de sollicitations financières inacceptables, de grande opacité et de lenteurs inexpliquées dans le déroulement des procédures d’adoption menées auprès de ces orphelinats.

Compte tenu du contexte actuel des adoptions au Népal, les familles candidates à une adoption dans ce pays sont invitées à observer la plus grande vigilance dans la conduite de leur procédure.

The Children Welfare Home -- 16 November 2004

Adoption internationale

Les familles candidates à une adoption au Népal sont instamment invitées à consulter le site Internet de la Mission pour l’Adoption Internationale située au 244, boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris, tél - 01 43 17 90 90 - fax 01 43 17 93 44.

Une fiche sur le Népal y décrit les conditions d’adoption et les modalités pratiques de la procédure d’adoption.

Les familles désireuses d’adopter un enfant au Népal et répondant aux critères de sélection établis par les autorités népalaises peuvent prendre contact avec l’un des orphelinats agréés mentionnés dans la fiche de la MAI ou contacter l’Oeuvre de l’adoption-Comité de Marseille

Toutefois, l’Ambassade de France déconseille le recours à l’orphelinat « Children’s Welfare Home ».

Les services consulaires de l’Ambassade de France à Katmandou interviennent à deux reprises au cours de la procédure :

- Lorsqu’un enfant a été choisi par l’orphelinat pour une famille, celle-ci se déplace au Népal pour initier la procédure d’adoption. L’Ambassade, à qui l’agrément de la famille est déjà parvenu, lui délivrera alors une lettre de garantie destinée aux autorités népalaises. Les adoptants devront se présenter à l’Ambassade avec leurs passeports et une photographie d’identité de chacun d’entre eux et de l’enfant. Dans le cas d’un couple dont l’un des membres se présente seul, il devra se munir auparavant d’une procuration établie en France.

- Une fois la procédure d’adoption terminée, soit au moins deux mois plus tard, la famille adoptante retourne à l’Ambassade solliciter une demande de visa pour la France pour l’enfant.

Dernière minute (mise à jour le 16/11/2004)

Les adoptions au Népal ont repris depuis le 16 novembre. Elles étaient de fait suspendues depuis un mois, en raison d’un projet de réforme des règles de l’adoption, finalement reporté.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Post Placement Reports

PEAR has received inquiries from prospective and newly adoptive families concerning post placement requirements for adoption from Nepal. Adoption agencies offering programs in Nepal vary widely with regard to information on this subject. Stated requirements range from no reports, to annual reports during the first two years post placement, to annual reports until the child is 18. The Nepal Country Specific page on the DOS website states that there are no placement requirements for Nepal.

We have researched this information with the Nepal government and adoption agencies and have confirmed that Nepal requires annual post placement reports until the child reaches majority. The exact wording is:

"Every alien having adopted a Nepali child after obtaining approval from the Ministry pursuant to these Terms and Conditions and Process shall be required to send once a year through the concerned listed organization or agency or Nepal based embassy of his/her country and, in its absence, the embassy looking after Nepal the statement relating to the maintenance, education and health of such child and recently taken post-card size photograph of the child, until s/he attends majority as per the law of the concerned country."

Notification of The Government of Nepal Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare Terms and Conditions and Process for Granting Approval
for Adoption of Nepali Child by Alien, 2008, Chapter 7 Paragraph 17(3)
(for a downloadable version of the Terms and Conditions, please see: http://www.mowcsw.gov.np/opensection.php?secid=464 )

PEAR has requested that the DOS update the Country specific page for Nepal to reflect the requirements as promulgated by the Nepal government. We also wish to suggest that adoption agencies offering Nepal programs update the information they provide to clients and the general public to properly reflect the Nepal requirements with respect to post placement reports.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nepal’s adoption process to be examined

Nepal’s adoption process to be examined

The Kathmandu Post:


KATHMANDU, NOV 03 - In a bid to take stock of Nepal’s inter-country adoption process and extend possible technical and financial support, a delegation of the Hague Conference’s permanent bureau will arrive on a week-long visit to the country on Nov. 23.

Officials at the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare said that Jennifer Degeling, secretary at the Permanent Bureau, Hague Conference, will lead the delegation.

During her stay in the country, she will examine the existing inter-country adoption process and assist the government in fulfilling requirements needed for the Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-Country Adoption.

This is the first time representatives of the Hague Conference are visiting the country after Nepal signed the Hague Convention, an international agreement between participating countries on the best adoption procedures, in April. The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption is an international agreement to safeguard inter-country adoption. The guidelines and procedures that are set forth in the Hague Convention are also for the protection of biological as well as adoptive parents.

A part of the Convention’s guidelines ensures that one central authority is in place in each country so that adoptive parents get accurate information regarding adoption.


Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.